In 2023 a group of Young Researcher founded the Early Career Scholars section of the Italian University Coordination for Development Cooperation (CUCS) involving Early Career Scholars (ECS).
For ECS, hereby we define a student, a PhD candidate, or a researcher who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years.
The proposed activities of the groups are:
- To create a mailing list for ECS involved in the Universities of CUCS network, to facilitate exchange of information on job opportunities, conferences, research opportunities.
- To organize a questionnaire of the activities of ECS students, in order to define adequate working groups, either thematic (scientific topics, disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary) and/or related to geographical contexts.
- To facilitate the proposition of ECS-led sessions at CUCS conferences.
- To organize seminars or series of seminars to animate the CUCS network in between the CUCS conferences.
Who are we:
The (presently) secretariat is composed by the following group:
- Giulio Castelli (University of Firenze)
- Giacomo Crevani (Politecnico di Milano)
- Marta Crivellaro (University of Trento)
- Nicola D’Alberton (University of Trento)
- Jerome El Jeitany (University of Firenze)
- Eleonora Forzini (University of Firenze)
- Enrico Lucca (University of Firenze)
- Livia Serrao (University of Trento)
- Francesca Villa (Politecnico di Milano)
- Giovanni Vinti (University of Palermo)
In the following link you can find a full list of the participants
Working Groups:
The activities of the ECS CUCS are currently divided in the following Working Groups:
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (DRR&R)
- Global Health
- Innovation and Technology
Do you want Join us?
If you are a ECS within the affiliated universities please contact:
Giulio Castelli email: giulio[dot]castelli[at]unifi[dot]it
Livia Serrao email: livia[dot]serrao[at]unitn[dot]it